* $options = array(
* 'cacheDir' => directory where to put the cache files (string),
* 'caching' => enable / disable caching (boolean),
* 'lifeTime' => cache lifetime in seconds (int),
* 'fileLocking' => enable / disable fileLocking (boolean),
* 'writeControl' => enable / disable write control (boolean),
* 'readControl' => enable / disable read control (boolean),
* 'readControlType' => type of read control 'crc32', 'md5', 'strlen' (string),
* 'pearErrorMode' => pear error mode (when raiseError is called) (cf PEAR doc) (int),
* 'memoryCaching' => enable / disable memory caching (boolean),
* 'onlyMemoryCaching' => enable / disable only memory caching (boolean),
* 'memoryCachingLimit' => max nbr of records to store into memory caching (int),
* 'fileNameProtection' => enable / disable automatic file name protection (boolean),
* 'automaticSerialization' => enable / disable automatic serialization (boolean),
* 'automaticCleaningFactor' => distable / tune automatic cleaning process (int),
* 'hashedDirectoryLevel' => level of the hashed directory system (int),
* 'hashedDirectoryUmask' => umask for hashed directory structure (int),
* 'errorHandlingAPIBreak' => API break for better error handling ? (boolean)
* );