# elastic-mapreduce と同じディレクトリに以下のファイルを作るか、コマンドラインオプションに指定
# access_id, private_key, region 必須
vim credentials.json
"access_id": "[Your AWS Access Key ID]",
"private_key": "[Your AWS Secret Access Key]",
"keypair": "[Your key pair name]",
"key-pair-file": "[The path and name of your PEM file]",
"log_uri": "[A path to a bucket you own on Amazon S3, such as, s3n://mylog-uri/]",
"region": "[The Region of your job flow, either us-east-1, us-west-2, us-west-1, eu-west-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-southeast-1, or sa-east-1]"
elastic-mapreduce --help
# JOB一覧はJOB作成したIAMユーザか、AWSアカウントユーザしか取得できない。IAMで権限だけあってもダメ
elastic-mapreduce \
-c credentials.json \