- static ipを割り当てておく
- SoftEther ダウンロード センター
- ダウンロードするソフトウェア: SoftEther VPN(Freeware)
- コンポーネントを選択: SoftEther VPN Server
- プラットフォームを選択: Linux
- CPUを選択: ARM EABI(32bit)
- Install
sudo su -
cd /usr/local/src/
wget http://jp.softether-download.com/files/softether/v2.00-9387-rtm-2013.09.16-tree/Linux/SoftEther%20VPN%20Server/32bit%20-%20ARM%20EABI/softether-vpnserver-v2.00-9387-rtm-2013.09.16-linux-arm_eabi-32bit.tar.gz
tar xvfz softether-vpnserver-v2.00-9387-rtm-2013.09.16-linux-arm_eabi-32bit.tar.gz
cd vpnserver
chmod 600 *
chmod 700 vpncmd vpnserver
cd ..
mv vpnserver /usr/local/
chmod 755 /usr/local/vpnserver
rm softether-vpnserver-v2.00-9387-rtm-2013.09.16-linux-arm_eabi-32bit.tar.gz
- Check
Select 1, 2 or 3: 3
VPN Tools>help
You can use the following 5 commands:
About - Display the version information
Check - Check whether SoftEther VPN Operation is Possible
MakeCert - Create New X.509 Certificate and Private Key
TrafficClient - Run Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Client Mode
TrafficServer - Run Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Server Mode
To reference the usage for each command, input "command name /?" to view a help.
The command completed successfully.
VPN Tools>check
VPN Tools>exit
- startup script : File not found: "vpnserver.Raspbian" at page "Memo/SoftEther/Raspberry_Pi"[添付]
chmod +x /etc/init.d/vpnserver
insserv -d vpnserver
insserv -s | grep vpnserver
K:01:0 1 6:vpnserver
S:01:2 3 4 5:vpnserver
- ログの圧縮と90日を経過したログの削除
sudo crontab -e
5 1 * * * ( LOG_DIR="/usr/local/vpnserver/"; /usr/bin/find $LOG_DIR -follow -name "*.log" -type f -mtime +1 -exec /bin/gzip {} \; ; /usr/bin/find $LOG_DIR -follow -name "*.gz" -type f -mtime +90 -delete; )
- 起動
service vpnserver start
- 設定ファイル: /usr/local/vpnserver/vpn_server.config
- ログファイル: /usr/local/vpnserver/server_log/vpn_YYYYMMDD.log, /usr/local/vpnserver/security_log/