profile=example region=us-east-1 aws cost-optimization-hub list-recommendations --profile $profile --region $region --order-by 'dimension=EstimatedMonthlySavings,order=Desc' # accountId, Nameタグだけ欲しい場合 --query 'items[].{C010:accountId,C020:tags[?key==`Name`].value|[0]}'
SELECT line_item_resource_id AS bucket, line_item_operation AS api, ROUND(SUM(line_item_unblended_cost),2) AS cost FROM cost.monthly_resid WHERE line_item_product_code = 'AmazonS3' AND line_item_usage_type NOT LIKE '%Byte%' AND line_item_resource_id != '' AND line_item_usage_start_date BETWEEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' - INTERVAL '1' MONTH AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' GROUP BY line_item_resource_id, line_item_operation ORDER BY SUM(line_item_blended_cost) DESC LIMIT 100;
SUM(line_item_unblended_cost) AS cost
AND line_item_line_item_type NOT IN ('Tax','Refund','Credit')
SELECT bill_billing_period_start_date AS TIME, 'Tax' AS product, SUM(line_item_unblended_cost) AS cost FROM monthly WHERE $__timeFilter(bill_billing_period_start_date) AND line_item_usage_account_id IN ($Account_id) AND line_item_line_item_type IN ('Tax','Refund','Credit') GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 1
SELECT bill_billing_period_start_date, line_item_product_code, sum(line_item_unblended_cost) as cost from monthly where bill_billing_period_start_date BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2023-10-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2023-10-30 23:59:59' and line_item_line_item_type in ('Fee') and reservation_reservation_a_r_n != '' group by 1,2 order by 1
SELECT DISTINCT line_item_product_code FROM monthly WHERE bill_billing_period_start_date BETWEEN (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '90' DAY) AND (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1' DAY) ;
profile=example # durationsを指定して、offeringIdを取得。describe-savings-plans-offering-ratesではdurationsで絞り込めない。 aws savingsplans describe-savings-plans-offerings \ --product-type EC2 \ --plan-types Compute \ --payment-options "Partial Upfront" \ --durations $((3600*24*365)) \ --currencies USD \ --profile $profile { "searchResults": [ { "offeringId": "8a5f1067-1eba-46cd-804c-4eb74c0fd43b", "productTypes": [ "Fargate", "EC2", "Lambda" ], "planType": "Compute", "description": "1 year Partial Upfront Compute Savings Plan", "paymentOption": "Partial Upfront", "durationSeconds": 31536000, "currency": "USD", "serviceCode": "ComputeSavingsPlans", "usageType": "ComputeSP:1yrPartialUpfront", "operation": "", "properties": [] } ], "nextToken": "11111114011AKXHi82LDrvXSYuU4NaQhgqffGWGkm7NYgDgGhZp2asyvYVUZFiQNU1YBhoBJF" } # 検索したいリージョン、インスタンスタイプ region=ap-northeast-1 instanceType=t3.medium # durationSeconds: 1年 # usageType: BoxUsage のみ aws savingsplans describe-savings-plans-offering-rates \ --savings-plan-payment-options "Partial Upfront" \ --products EC2 \ --savings-plan-types Compute \ --operations RunInstances \ --filters "name=region,values=$region" "name=instanceType,values=$instanceType" "name=tenancy,values=shared" \ --profile $profile \ | jq '.searchResults[] | select(.savingsPlanOffering.durationSeconds == '$((3600*24*365))') | select(.usageType | contains("BoxUsage"))' { "savingsPlanOffering": { "offeringId": "8a5f1067-1eba-46cd-804c-4eb74c0fd43b", "paymentOption": "Partial Upfront", "planType": "Compute", "durationSeconds": 31536000, "currency": "USD", "planDescription": "1 year Partial Upfront Compute Savings Plan" }, "rate": "0.0407", "unit": "Hrs", "productType": "EC2", "serviceCode": "AmazonEC2", "usageType": "APN1-BoxUsage:t3.medium", "operation": "RunInstances", "properties": [ { "name": "instanceFamily", "value": "t3" }, { "name": "productDescription", "value": "Linux/UNIX" }, { "name": "instanceType", "value": "t3.medium" }, { "name": "tenancy", "value": "shared" }, { "name": "region", "value": "ap-northeast-1" } ] }
paymentOption | rate (Savings Plans の料金) | オンデマンドと比較した費用節減 |
No Upfront | 0.0427 | 22% |
Partial Upfront | 0.0407 | 25% |
# Hourly commitment houry_commit=0.043 # Total cost: 1 year total_cost=$(echo "${houry_commit}*24*365" | bc); echo $total_cost 376.680 # Monthly payment: monthly_cost=$(echo "scale=2;${total_cost}/12" | bc); echo $monthly_cost 31.39
# Hourly commitment houry_commit=0.041 # Total cost: 1 year total_cost=$(echo "${houry_commit}*24*365" | bc); echo $total_cost 359.160 # Upfront cost: upfront_cost=$(echo "${total_cost}*0.5" | bc); echo $upfront_cost 179.580 # Monthly payment: monthly_cost=$(echo "scale=2;(${total_cost} - ${upfront_cost}) / 12" | bc); echo $monthly_cost 14.96
ただし、現在全てのリソースにタグをふれないため、金額を厳密に分けたい場合(例えば、クライアント会社毎に請求書を作る)は、別のAWSアカウントを作成し、Consolidated BillingでメインのAWSアカウントに請求をまとめた方が良い。
リザーブドインスタンス を購入したアカウントを解約すると、リザーブドインスタンス が期限切れになるか、解約したアカウントが完全に削除されるまで、支払いアカウントに リザーブドインスタンス の請求が継続されます。解約したアカウントは 90 日後に完全に削除されます。削除後、メンバーアカウントは リザーブドインスタンス の請求割引を受けられなくなります。